Working from home
Working from home (WFH) also know as Home Office (Germany) is getting very popular. It is very interesting benefit but has its difficulties too. On the other hand, if the rules are set up correctly it can be favorable for both sides, employer and employee.
At first, we should mention the difference between WFH and remote work. The specifics of
remote work are based on working from home because of time-consuming and difficult coming to
work. These employees are coming to the office once a week/month, the other days they work
from home or are connected on Skype. Rules of remote work are completely different fromWFH.
WFH is not suitable for everyone, you have to have self-control and self-discipline.WFH is being welcomed by people seeing very difficult to concentrate in the office murmur. At home, they can create the perfect atmosphere and fully concentrate on work. On the contraryWFH
should not be allowed for human resources employees, their job is to communicate and to be in
contact with other employees and it is not possible from home. Either people managers cannot work
from home as they are responsible for their employees, should be at work for them and if necessary
be ready to solve their problems.
WFH advantages
Saving time – emplyees, spending much time by coming to work are glad if they can stay at
home. In addition, they can also save some money.
Full concentration – anyone and anything is bothering you while working from home.
Keeping holiday – in case that you are awaiting a serviceman you don´t have to use your
WFH disadvantages
Slower communication – it is much easier to ask colleague sitting next to you than to send
an email or call someone
Solving problem – if a problem occures it can be difficult to set up corrective process
Changing relationships – while having HO very often, there is a risk of disturbing the
relationships between colleagues. Good relationships are very important to have successful
2 in 1 – work and personal life are two completely different worlds and should be separated.
If you work from home too often it is not clear if you are at home or at work.
WFH is welcomed benefit. Lets say it is kind of “Jackpot“, to which is paid attention by lots of
employees. From my point of view it has mostly psychological effect – not to go to work and stay
home sounds very attractive. Never confessed reason of HO popularity is not being under control of
the boss, to dawle or to do something completely different than to work. Never ever anyone admit
this reason and probably will never do it, but while talking to your friends, you will very often hear,
how cool is to have HO, because you can go with your dog to vet, go to the post office, go shopping,
do some housework or wash your car.
WFH is very popular by IT employees. From the view of IT workers it does not matter from
where they work, they can work from the office, beach or couch. Looks interesting but also here is a
lot of things which need to be evaluated. For example if the company spends money to furnish the
office – desk, chair, monitor, coffee or air conditioning. You don´t have any of these on the beach or
at home. Are you sure that working from home will be in long term better?
From above mentioned reasons is WFH frequently preferred by junior workers – they want to
be free, do not want to drive to work or be under control. On the contrary more responsible you are
(not really important if you work 8 hours but if the work is done), less requirements are at HO.
Senior workers are well aware about the fact that not done work one day will have to be done the
other day. Senior also realises that othe colleagues are reliant on his results. HO is not suitable for
junior positions in spite of the popularit. People on senior positions are asking for HO in urgent
cases. The biggest disadvantage of HO is that new employees cannot learn from skilled colleagues.
At the very first beginning is necessary to set up clear, transparent rules and to have possibility to
control if the person working from home is still avaibale (email, phone). If you are thinking about HO
implementation, go through all your processes and consider all advantages and disadvantages. All
needed information has to be in online version and also meeting minutes need to be done very
carefully, as it is very helpful for the person having HO, he is still touch.
Simple advices are the best. Because they work.