Věnujte se svým teamleadrům!

Běžným postupem bývá, že schopné odborníky povyšujeme na pozice týmových vedoucích, neboli častěji používaným anglickým termínem teamleaderů. Ale neměli bychom opomíjet, že odborné schopnosti jsou diametrálně rozdílné od těch, které jsou vyžadovány od týmových vedoucích.

Karel Souček

Simple advices are the best. Because they work.

October 02, 2018


Důvody pro povýšení bývají podobné:

  • Skvělé odborné znalosti
  • Znalost produktu a firmy
  • Lidská vyspělost
  • Důvěra

Vybereme z týmu prostě toho nejlepšího a povýšíme ho. Málokomu už ale . . .

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Team leader needs your support!

The obvious proces is to promote skilled specialist to team leader positions. We should not forget that work skills are completely different from skills required from team leader.

Karel Souček

Simple advices are the best. Because they work.

October 02, 2018

Reasons for promotion:

  • Great skills
  • Knowledge of product and company
  • Human maturity
  • Reliability

We choose the best one and promote him. Only a few of us realize how difficult can be the change of technical position to the position including a team-leading, solving personal problems, allocating activities . . .

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First impression matters

First impression matters even if it can be very tricky.

Karel Souček

Simple advices are the best. Because they work.

September 25, 2018


Our consciousness is not able to register and analyze all impulses and if so the reaction is very slow.
It is our unconscious, which is catching all around us and is able to react very fast and evaluate the
impulses comprehensively.
My decisions are mostly based on logical suggestions, but my experience taught me that the first
. . .

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Dejte na první dojem

Přestože je první dojem velice ošemetná věc, není radno ho podceňovat.

Karel Souček

Simple advices are the best. Because they work.

September 25, 2018


Naše vědomí není schopné plně zaregistrovat a z analyzovat veškeré podněty a pokud ano, tak je velmi pomalé. Ale naše podvědomí zachytává vše kolem nás a je schopné reagovat velmi rychle a vyhodnocovat vstupy velmi komplexně.

. . .

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Working from home

Working from home (WFH) also know as Home Office (Germany) is getting very popular. It is very interesting benefit but has its difficulties too. On the other hand, if the rules are set up correctly it can be favorable for both sides, employer and employee.

Karel Souček

Simple advices are the best. Because they work.

September 18, 2018


At first, we should mention the difference between WFH and remote work. The specifics of
remote work are based on working from home because of time-consuming and difficult coming to
work. These employees are coming to the office once a week/month, the other days they work
from home or are connected on Skype. Rules of remote work are . . .

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Home Office

Home office aneb práce z domova se poslední dobou těší stále větší oblibě. Je to zajímavý benefit, který ale má i svá úskalí. Pokud je ovšem forma HO správně nastavená, může být výhodná nejen pro zaměstnance, ale také pro zaměstnavatele.

Karel Souček

Simple advices are the best. Because they work.

September 18, 2018

Nejprve bychom měli odlišit Home office a Remote práci. Někteří lidé mají od začátku nastavenou práci z domova, protože pravidelné dojíždění je nejen náročné, ale v mnohých případech až neproveditelné. Tito zaměstnanci . . .

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Importance of having a good boss

To have a good boss, especially at your first job, is one of the most important factors and you should definitely pay attention. It is him, who will influence you, who will set an example and who will form your personality.

Karel Souček

Simple advices are the best. Because they work.

July 20, 2018

Thomas Morgan, the American geneticist, set perfect examples. Thanks to the friendly and wide open atmosphere in his laboratory it was not only him, who was very successful but also his students. In 1933 when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine, he shared this award with his students Alfred Sturtevant and Calvin . . .

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